UrbEXplorers Conference


The city as a learning space

Conference, Berlin 28-29 September 2023

Refugio, Lenaustraße 3-4 – 12047 Berlin

Register here on Eventbrite!

Urbexplorers is the final multiplier event of the Erasmus project UrbEX. The multidisciplinary conference will discuss and promote urban exploration as a methodology for empowering youths, overcoming their vulnerabilities and encouraging their participation in communal life. It intends to engage a conversation amongst youth workers, scholars, activists, and administrators about the potential of neighbourhoods as learning spaces. A particular emphasis will be placed on gaming and storytelling approaches for the education and involvement of disadvantaged youngsters. During the conference will be presented the tools and methodologies developed during Urbex project, and a network of organisations interested in expanding the potential of  spatial practice with youths will be launched.

  • How to increase the capacity of youths to learn from their urban environment?
  • How can spatial exploration be used as an emancipatory practice?
  • How may exploratory practice assist in counteracting segregation, school dropout, and unemployment?
  • How can such practices support the inclusion of young migrants and refugees?

To answer such questions, the conference adopts a practice-oriented, multidisciplinary and inclusive approach facilitating exchange about concrete experiences and open tools among the participants.

StreetUniverCity report with Street radio bluster –by Gió Di Sera

The conference is free and open to everybody. Online registration is required.h/http://www.tesserae.eu/urbexplorers-conference/